Disposition by The Pumpherston Oil Company Limited in favour of Gavin McKelvie (G. McKelvie and Sons). Subjects: 4.7 acres at Westwood.

code: 143936

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Disposition by The Pumpherston Oil Company Limited in favour of Gavin McKelvie (G. McKelvie and Sons). Subjects: 4.7 acres at Westwood, part of Mid Breich, West Calder. Dated 1966. Details the sale of an area of ground lying on the north west side of the public road leading from Blackburn to Mid Calder by The Pumpherston Oil Company to Gavin McKelvie for the sum of £250. Dated 28th July, 1966. Included is a plan of the area referred to in the disposition with the area being discussed highlighted in red. The scale of the plan is 1/2500 and is undated.