Disposition - piece of ground part of the farm of Niddry

code: 143392

Collection code:


Disposition by the Rt. Hon. John Adrian Louis, Earl of Hopetoun with consent of the Rt. Hon. Hersey Alice, Countess of Hopetoun to the Broxburn Oil Company Ltd. dated 1891 of piece of ground part of the farm of Niddry. Contains; Inventory of Writs referred to in the foregoing Disposition; Map which states "This is the cutting from Sheet VIII of a copy of the Ordnance Survey Map for the County of Linlithgow;referred to on the foregoing Disposition. Area referred to in the Dispopsition highlighted in pink. Map undated, scale 1/2500 or 25.344 Inches to a Statute Mile or 208.33 Feet to One Inch.

  • Map