Disposition by BP Exploration Company Limited (formerly the Broxburn Oil Company Limited) in favour of William James Leslie.

code: 144015

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File type:
BP - Other property-related documents
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Copy Disposition by BP Exploration Company Limited (formerly The Broxburn Oil Company Limited) in favour of William James Leslie No. 25 Roman Camp Broxburn signed by F.M. Cook, Attorney, BP Exploration Co Ltd (formerly the Broxburn Oil Company Ltd) dated 1969 (no Testing Clause). The plan attached shows the property edged Red, access road coloured Brown and access road common with William Orr & Sons coloured Green. There is a scale 1 inch = 30 feet and a location plan inset with a scale 1/2500. There is also a Receipt for Redemption of Fueduty dated 14 May 1975 attached.

  • Map