Disposition by BP Exploration Company Limited (formerly the Broxburn Oil Company Limited) in favour of Robert Cunningham Lawrie.

code: 143994

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File type:
BP - Other property-related documents
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Copy Disposition by BP Exploration Company Limited (formerly The Broxburn Oil Company Limited) in favour of Robert Cunningham Lawrie No. 3 Roman Camp Broxburn signed by F.M. Cook, Attorney, BP Exploration Co Ltd (formerly the Broxburn Oil Company Ltd) dated 7 November 1969. The plan attached shows the property edged Red, access road coloured Brown and access road common with William Orr & Sons coloured Green. There is a scale 1 inch = 30 feet and a location plan inset with a scale 1/2500. There is also a Receipt for Redemption of Fueduty dated 20 May 1975 attached.

  • Map