Pontblyddyn - A Farewell Supper, 1870

type: Beyond Scotland - Wales

Wrexham Advertiser
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On Thursday evening week about thirty of the employees of the Coppa and Plasymhowys oil works assembled at the Crown Inn, Pontblyddyn, to pay a tribute of respect to a fellow workman.

An excellent supper was provided by the worthy host and hostess (Mr and Mrs J. Hughes), and after ample justice had been done to the fare, Mr S. H. Platt was called to the chair, and Mr Wm. Wilson being vice. The usual loyal toasts having next been disposed of, Mr John M. Jones sang a song, and Mr James Bolton gave the "Farmer's Boy," which was encored. Mr Wilson favoured the company with a little Scotch dialect. W. Cameron sung the "Irish Schoolmaster," which was well received. Messrs Gordon, McNeal, Hopwood, Wilson, George Keen, and Muddiman, also contributed their share to the general harmony of the evening.

The Chairman then rose and said : The main feature in the evening's programme, and chiefly that which originated the party, had to be recorded. The workmen of the Coppa and Plas-ymhowys Oil Works becoming aware of the fact that they were about to sever their connection with their friend and fellow workman, Mr Kenny, had determined to show their appreciation of him by giving him a farewell supper, he (the chairman) referred to the fact that Mr Kenny had been employed several years, one part of the time at Coppa, and the other at Plasymhowys, and his career bad been marked by a steadiness and uniformity in the discharge of his duties that must have given satisfaction to his employers and fellow workmen.

The health of Mr John Kenny was then drunk with three cheers. Mr Kenny, in response, thanked the company for the kind manner they had drunk his health. He could not, he said, see what he had done to deserve such honour; his connection with the oil trade would never be erased from his mind.

Though he was going amongst strangers, he hoped in a short time he could say he had formed acquaintance with as jovial lot in Liverpool as he had left at Pontblyddyn. The Vice-Chairman gave an elaborate speech, and referred to the future welfare of his fellow-workman, Mr Kenny. Numerous toasts were also given, and at the close votes of thanks were passed to the chairman, vice-chairman host, and hostess, and indeed all who had contributed to the evening's entertainment.

The Wrexham Advertiser 5th November 1870